Everyday a little more

It’s been a few weeks since I posted last, and I can thank work for that. The past few weeks have been pretty groundbreaking for baby Lala. She now can fully sit up on her own and only pitches over face first occasionally. She’s starting to recognize her name..er names too. And she now grabs at everything she can get her hands on whether it be cups, cell phones or computer keyboards. Everything that graces her little fingers usually ends up in her mouth. So its time to be more responsible I guess. Babies eating nails or spiders aint too cute.

Anyways we got her this little jumpity thing that she stands in and she was at first kinda scared of it but after a few times she started jumping up and down in it like a little kangaroo and she would just sit and jump for like 15 minutes straight.

Everyday I go to work and before I go I watch her sleep for a little bit, then bless and kiss her good bye. Sometimes when I go I’m almost misty eyed. I hate having to leave everday, when I’d rather spend all day with my little family. While at work I look forward to getting out of there, and when it’s time I race home and go in the house and baby Lala is always happy to see me. I usually then take her outside in the backyard where i put up a little baby swing under our apple tree and i swing her for a while, then we go sit down under the tree in the corner of the yard and just look around at the grass, flowers, birds and squirrels. My backyard is like my place of solitude and peace, and I always enjoyed just sitting there listening to the quiet. Now I sit there with baby Lala and watch her as she experiences cool breezes, the wind in the trees, birdsong, and flowers for the first time. She is always so curious and open to what’s going on around her, taking it all in and just being in the moment and being content. That’s what I aspire to. Just being.