Today she is 6 months

Today is baby Lala’s 6 month birthday… or half birthday. Mona her aunt and nanny made her a cake and I gave her little bitty bites and some bitty tastes of whipped cream. It’s been a real trip for me these past 6 months. I’ve seen a little baby girl grow from being able to alomst hold her in my palm to a little chubby smiley baby with personality and charm. Some of the milestones she has reached are: Sitting up on her own, holding her own bottle, recognizing her name, sleeping better, and more. However she is also starting to have bad habits like crying when you take something from her, or having mini tantrums if she doesnt get what she wants. I know she’s only 6 months old but it starts early, so we need to be diligent.

I’ve noticed that wherever we go when we go out, people always tell us how cute our little baby is. Not to be a braggart or anything I always figured people felt obligated to say such things but it’s still going on 6 months out so maybe my baby is a cutie. Of course she is to me, but I’m her pops, and even if she wasnt cute I’d swear up and down that she is the cutest baby ever. I think it’s just that people like to see a happy baby who smiles at them. Thats what Lala is like, she just smiles at everyone and people pick up on that good energy. Makes me smile.