Dookie Booty

Saturday i was sitting on the couch playing with Lala when suddenly she stopped laughing and looked off into the corner as if she was thinking intently on something, when her face turned red and she started crying inconsolably. I thought something was hurting her and so i started taking her bib off then un snapping her onesie, all the while her cries got more intense, and soon she sounded like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Lala was making the saddest face and by this point i was kinda freaked out when suddenly i felt a little push in her diaper, and suddenly, as quick as it started, her crying stopped and she smiled at me through her teary eyes. I took her into the other room and began changing but was not at all prepared for what I was about to find. In her diaper was a solid mass that was so big I gasped when i first saw it.

It’s a matter of simple physics. If you look at my daughter, you see a normal sized 6 month old. If you look at the mass of solid poop she passed through her body you would assume it was passed by an adult. A big, fat, cheeseburger eating, truck driving, beer swilling adult. I didnt think it was physically possible. Poor Lala’s booty!