Lala’s Got Talent!

Lately Lala has been learning alot of new stuff, and it’s not just cutely annoying stuff like trying to grab my glasses off my face at every chance. My wife and Lala’s aunt have been teaching her baby signing and now Lala knows how to sign to us when she wants milk. Pretty cool. Next we’ll teach her how to sign the devil horns.

Another one of Lala’s new tricks to to pretend to cough. Most babies wouldnt pretend to cough or even know that it might garner extra attention or sympathy, but somehow Lala knows and when she doesnt exactly get her way sometimes she throw out a fake cough or two to see if it helps for her cause. It doesnt. Especially when she smiles while coughing. Sorry Lala, you gotta be a little more cunning than that!

Lala also has this new facial expression that she has developed over the past week or so. I call it hte yoda face. People from the Bay would call it the Thizz face. She basically scrunches up her nose and closes her eyes as if she smells something yucky or just ate a raw lemon. When she does it she kinda looks like a little old lady. It’s cute but weird too.

Fun Lala fact for the day: Sometimes if we poof her hair out a little bit, she looks like a baby Susan Boyle from Britains got Talent.