One small step for Lala….

Today Lala took two steps on her own. We were all completely shocked. While she has been holding onto stuff and walking, and has also begun to gain some balance while stationary, we didnt expect this progress so soon. We tried to get her to repeat it, but she opted to drop and crawl, so we didnt push it. Lala is an ace crawler and now we’ll have to be on extra alert for her new skills to materialize.

Lately nights have been tougher than normal because Lala is teething. It’s been tough as it is since we never really migrated her to the crib so nights are like this: She falls asleep around 9PM in ou r bed with one of us chilling with her, then we put her in the crib. Anywhere between 1 and 2AM she wakes up crying, so we bring her back to our bed and give her a bottle. Then around 4-5AM she wakes up again and we give her another bottle. SO we’ve been doing this for awhile now and at her checkup today the doctor said she was heavier than 99% of babies her age. Boy did we feel like bad parents. We’re making our baby fat. So now the plan is gradually ease off the night feedings and swap the milk for water. Additionally i think we need to make some changes in our own eating habits to ensure Lala is healthy.

Anyways, Lala likes to go to the park and swing. She loves to swing high and sometimes cries when we leave. She is still getting used to the slide, but she loves to swing on the baby swings. we take her to different parks when we can. She really loves being outside in general too. She sometimes cries and points to the door, and then cries when we come inside the house. She is gonna be a hiker maybe.

Lala is really ticklish on her legs and arms and i love so much to hear her laughing uncontrollably when we tickle her. I think her laughter is my favorite sound in the world. Even more so than guitars turned up to 11.