And her first word is…..

Ozo. That’s right, her first word is the name of our dog. Not mama, not papa, but Ozo. She started saying it about 3 days ago. Whats funny is that she was calling him roo-ra for a bit, but finally got his name down right i guess. Anyways Lala recently turned 10 months and at her doctors check up, they said she was heavier than 99% of other kids. I felt pretty lame, but we can make changes. Fewer bottles at night, less snackfood. We should be ok. Lala has begun testing us too. She goes up to stuff like the TV and the media shelf and looks back at us and laughs and we pull her away,tell her no, and then she goes right back then we do the little swat thing and she thinks that’s funny and so on and so on. I end up getting up 10 times to get her away from the tv or what not. It’s exhausting. Lala’s great though and she is about to walk soon. She stands on her own alot and moves quickly on her feet when she has stuff to hold on too. She is starting to mimic us with stuff like the phone. She’s pretty smart. One of my favorite things to do is dance with her. We play the radio and i pick her up and we dance and she giggles and smiles and it’s just the sweetest thing. I look forward to when she can walk so we can go and play in the back yard.