signs, signs, everywhere are signs.

Lala is getting pretty good with this whole sign language business. She knows the signs for milk, more, banana, cheese, drink, sleep and maybe a few others. She’s pretty smart for a little munchkin. However it’s also a double edged sword. She has begun testing us with boundaries too. She likes to go up to the TV and turn it off when we’re watching something and even though we say No! she still does it. We have to slap her little hand and she still will test us.

she has eight teeth now too. Last time she had major teething issues was Halloween night. Needless to say we didnt get far with her trick or treating before we had to bring her back home. She started wailing about a block away and we had to bring her back home and give her a bath to relax her, then give her a bottle and rock her to sleep. Thank God above for baby OraGel.

She’s going to turn 1 in 3 days! Since her birthday is on Thanksgiving, we’re giving her a party on Saturday afterwards. I guess we can expect a bunch of toys to come home with her that day. As if there’s room for them. This has been an incredible year and I look forward to celebrating every year with her now.