And now she is one.

Lala has reached a major milestone. As of yesterday, Thanksgiving, she is a one year old. It’s been an amazing year to say the least. The most impacting year of my life I’d say. It’s been probably the hardest, most tiresome year but also the most rewarding as well. My daughter, while being challenging at every turn, has been the biggest blessing and gift I’ve had the good fortune of receiving, followed closely by my wife of course.

Things that I love about being a dad, and my daughter are: seeing her wake up and smile when she sees you. Seeing her dance when music comes on. Wanting to dance with me or my wife when her favorite songs come on the radio or TV like “Lollipop”(not the lil wayne track but the old 40’s song), the Roots’ Yo Gabba Gabba tune “Lovely love my family”, The Aggrolites’ Yo Gabba Gabba tune “Banana”, and REM’s Muppet version of “Shiny Happy People”. Seeing her chase me when i come home from work. Seeing her wave at complete strangers and putting a smile on their face. Seeing her explore her world a little more each day. We took a walk around the block a few days ago, just holding her hand as we went. Seeing her play with and feed our dog Ozo. Seeing her “sing like Mariah Carey” (my sister in law taught her to “sing” in a high pitch whenever  she tells her “sing like Mariah Carey!”). Seeing her play her little baby piano. Seeing her try to build things with the blocks. Seeing her sign when she is trying to communicate. Hearing her chitter chatter with us. So many things. She really is becoming her own person with her own unique personality. She is also beginning to push her boundaries and test us, but that is to be expected and so we are ready (i hope).

Tomorrow we take her to Chuk e Cheese for her birthday party, which is more for the family than for her. If it was up to me we’d just stay home and enjoy a nice cake with the 3 of us, but everyone wants a piece of her! It will be fun. And God willing the first of many parties we throw for her!

Congratulations Lala! we love you!