The Myth of the Terrible Two’s

So there is a conspiracy that spans the history of humanity and is as far reaching as every household in the world, and every parent every has had a hand in keeping the deep, dark secret from us new parents. I am now an initiate into this obscure secret society that holds tight to the eternal truth that I will share with you today, at risk to my own well being. What is this ancient mystery? That the “Terrible Two’s” dont start when a child turns two. They start at 8 months. and probably go all the way to 2. Or 3.

I hate to admit that Lala has become something of a brat over the past few months and we’ve had to take actions to counter it. She has a temper that I have not seen in such a small kid. When we tell her no or take something from her that she shouldnt have, and she stiffens her body, balls her fists, grits her teeth and grunts in a very guttural way or screams then hits something. She is also a bully to the dog. She tries to take his bed and hits him.

She is a very hard headed girl in that I sometimes have to physically pick her up and move her when she is trying to do something she shouldnt be and then stand there and repeat it 10-20 times until she realizes I won’t back down, then she gets bored with the challenege and wanders off to some other mischief. She thinks it’s hilarious to turn off the TV when we are watching it and runs away when we try to get her, but she freaks out when we do it to her. She loves to test us and see how far she can go with us which is why we need to stay on top of her. It’s exhausting but it’s worth it. She even has started yelling at us on accasion as well. While we were driving the other day she didnt want to get buckeld up and she got mad after we strapped her in and screamed the name of our dog, as if trying to tell us she only loved him. We just giggled cuz it was so unexpected.

She has her moments of brilliance too though, dont get me wrong. She is learning quickly and the sign language we taught her is quickly tranferring over to verbal language. She now knows a few more names than Ozo the dog. She says Papa in the sweetest little voice ever. She says mama sweetly too, when she’s not yelling at mama! She calls her cousin Zeke , zee, she can say Hannah, and Mona too. Everyday when i get home she takes me into the toy room and we sit and play toys. She usually will grab a book and bring it to me and get in my lap as we read it together. I love that she likes to sit in my lap and read books with me. It makes me feel good becasue I’m trying to cultivate a sense of curiosity and desire to learn and read, in addition to running around and playing toys. I want to build her up as best I can.

Lala also now tries to beat box since she sees Biz Markie in Yo Gabba Gabba do it. We try and show her too. she gets the first drum hit out ok, but then has issues with rhythm haha. However she is learning. She likes to dance and spin around or bob her head like she is rocking out. She also tries now to sing along to the songs in Yo Gabba Gabba that she likes. it’s the cutest thing to watch.

Little Lala is growing so much and every day she takes new steps and learns more and more. It’s crazy because I dont want to miss a single thing!

And here we are. Tonight is Christmas Eve and it’s the first year i get to play Santa in that I get to wait for her to go to sleep then fill her stocking up with candies and toys for her to see tomorrow morning. She is going to love Christmas!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!