Let the good times roll

It’s been awhile since I posted last. We’ve been so busy with life in general that I have not had much time to do anything but work and spend family time. Lala has been growing like an Ox. She went and got her checkup at 13 months and the doctor said she was taller than 100% of kids her age and heavier than 98%. We are continually having to move things higher that she isnt supposed to get. I wont know what to do when she is 10 feet tall! She is really starting to talk alot now as well, picking up names and words as she goes. She also knows the names of her favorite characters from Yo Gabba Gabba. She’s pretty great. We like to Skype with Grandpa and Grandma so they can see her grow. She doesnt really get the idea yet but she is learning. We have her in swimming lessons on saturdays now as well. Truth be told it’s more like water acclimation lessons, and depending on how she is feeling she either likes it or not. She usually does though. We’re getting her ready for our Maui trip in April. God knows I need a vacation! Lala finally knows her real name too, Isis. It took a long time for her to recognize it since we call her Lala all the time. This week she got her first taste of stomach flu and was barfing all day and getting the runs too poor baby. She wasnt happy. Then my wife, her sister and her nephew got it too. But not me! 🙂 Lala loves going to the park and now knows how to go down the slide correctly. She lays down and goes face first and laughs and laughs. It’s the best part of my day hearing her laugh. She is also learning how to play by herself and she likes to sing to herself sometimes, usually songs from Yo Gabba Gabba. All her favorite songs are from that show. I’m pretty excited that the weather is changing again so we can start to explore the backyard. Spring and summer will be fun! Parks, swimming pools, forests, trees, ice cream trucks, little red wagons…. all good things!