Sweet and sour by the hour.

Summer is here and this is the perfect weather to go outside and play! We bought Lala a wading pool for the back yard so she can keep cool on the hot days. She loves the water and wants to get in even fully clothed! Lately Lala has starting putting words into sentences, and it’s super cute. If you ask her where something is she says “hmmmm..over there” or if she cant find something she’ll say “where did it go?” Mind you she says it in babese so it’s not perfect English.

I got an iPad not too long ago for the purposes of keeping her entertained on long flights and for the family enjoyment as well, and she has really taken to it and knows how to use it. It’s funny watching a toddler turn it on, swipe through the menus until she finds her games and pick her game then play it then quit out of it and select another one. It’s a testament to both her quick learning ability and Apples success at creating an easily usable human interface. The only bad part is the freaks out when we take it away from her.

Freaking out is her new talent, or problem. She can be the sweetest thing, but the minute something doesn’t go her way, she stiffens up,  clenches her fists and grits her teeth screaming. Yes she has serious brat tendencies at times and we are forced to be stern with her. Stern but fair. She also likes to test us and at times hows a very defiant side to her. Last week she was coloring on the coffee table and I told her not to but she still did it, so i began to pick her crayons up, and she ran to the TV screamed and hit the screen with a crayon. Needless to say she got in trouble for that one! She is hard headed and stubborn, but I can deal with it because it means she will be a strong willed girl and woman one day. I just need to channel that energy and set boundaries properly. It’s challenging and not easy, but its worth it. Put in the time now, and it will pay later. She is my sweet and sour little monster, but I love her dearly.

I also worry that she is overly stimulated by TV and iPad already. I find that I have to force her to sit for book reading time now. I also worry about what she eats since she is already bigger than most kids her age. It’s tough finding the right foods that are healthy and organic without tasting like dirt. I picked up a book called “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” and am looking forward to reading it. It’s basically about how important the role of a father is in his daughters life and how that is missing from many societies. Should be interesting and insightful.

This weekend is the 4th of July and I’m excited to take her to see the fireworks for the first time! It’s going to be awesome!