And now she is 2

It’s been over 5 months since I last posted. It’s very hard to find the time between familyhood, work, band, and my other blogs, but i do what I can. Lala is no longer a baby. She is a toddler now. She recently turned 2 and is quickly becoming her own little person. She talks alot now and you can kind of have conversations with her, as long as they are centered around her world of understanding which is comprised of, but not limited to Dora the explorer, chocolate milk, grapes, boogie men, yo gabba gabba, babies, juice, cars, the moon, kittens, dogs, blueberries, books, toys, iPad, papa’s guitar, Lala’s guitar, piano, monsters, cheese, pizza, Caillou, the song Hallelujah and EMI, soda, candy, apples, oranges, drawing, coloring, painting and play-doh. Oh and cake. She loves cake. Oh and the Pumpkin Patch.

In October we made it a family trip almost twice a week to go to the pumpkin patch and let her play on the rides and all the pumpkins etc. It’s well into December now and she still asks to go to the pumpkin patch. Over the past number of months she has also learned to fear some things. I dont know how or when a child learns fear, but somehow they learn it. I came home one day and suddenly she was scared of the boogie man. I asked her who told her that but she obviously couldnt tell me. I wondered who taught her to be afraid and who taught her the word boogie man. Then shortly there after the words monster and ghost entered her vocabulary as well. I guess it was bound to happen. I was just hoping she wouldnt learn to fear things that dont need to be feared. Funny side note though, she often says the word “ghost” in one particular room of the house!

Lala is a funny kid. She has this fake cry that she does when she doesnt get her way or she falls but isnt really hurt but wants the hugs etc. It’s pretty hilarious cuz she thinks she is being slick but we got her number. She is a sweet girl though, she freely says “luu you papa” or “luu you mama” often and gives us hugs out of the blue. That is the best! But then she’ll turn around and blame you for stuff like if i tell her she cant have something she’ll cry to mama and mama will say “who did it Lala?” and she’ll say “Papa!” and then mama will ask “did he hit you” and she will tearfully say “Yesh!”. My little drama queen. Love it! It’s also neat and interesting to see which one of the parental units provides for what function in her mind. I think she associates papa with playtime, learning and adventure, as well as protection, and mama with nurturing, comfort, learning and protection as well. She ALWAYS wants to play with me, but when she gets hurt or cries she ALWAYS wants to go to mama. Interesting how those processes develop.

Now it is Christmas time and we put up the tree with her and I put up lights outside the house and she loves what’s going on but doesn’t really understand it yet. she knows of a Santa, but does not know what he does, but she will be pleasantly surprised next week when we wake up and realize that Santa has made a stop by the house! It’s fun being a parent because in some ways it allows me to be a kid again as well.