
Terror has a new name.

And it’s name is Lala. Since she has become a bi-ped she has acclimated to her mobility like a champ. Not so much us. We find ourselves constantly chasing her and taking stuff away from her, and she not only voices her discontent with us, but does this very rude...

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And her first word is…..

Ozo. That’s right, her first word is the name of our dog. Not mama, not papa, but Ozo. She started saying it about 3 days ago. Whats funny is that she was calling him roo-ra for a bit, but finally got his name down right i guess. Anyways Lala recently...

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Is there anybody out there?

Is there anybody out there?

Dear Jesus,I often feel like I’m all alone out here. Spiritually. It seems like it is so hard to find others that think similarly, or even remotely close to how I see things. Maybe I’m whack, but I don’t think I’m that different. I go to churches and they, for...

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Kids will be kids…..right?

Kids will be kids…..right?

Dear Jesus,I was at the grocery store the other day heading over to the dairy aisle, when I saw two boys, both around 5 or so, pushing their parents shopping carts towards each other like on a two lane road. The boys had steered their carts a little too close...

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One small step for Lala….

Today Lala took two steps on her own. We were all completely shocked. While she has been holding onto stuff and walking, and has also begun to gain some balance while stationary, we didnt expect this progress so soon. We tried to get her to repeat it, but she opted...

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And she’s off.

Lala is crawling. Now she is getting into everything. My CD racks are now targetted for prompt emptying onto the floor. She crawls all around the house now trying to find new things on the ground to eat. So far we’ve removed bark, leaves, dog food, tumbleweed thorns, cotton, toilet...

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Baby Brianna

Baby Brianna

Dear Jesus,today I watched a short video about a baby who was murdered by her mother, father and uncle. Her name was Brianna. This video made me cry because all i could see was my 9 month old daughter in that little baby. Apart from the firey anger that grew in my...

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a world called atrocity

a world called atrocity

Dear Jesus,I’ve been kind of down lately. Been thinking alot about the plight of mankind, and our obvious inability to not continually smash our heads into a concrete wall. Meaning, our inability to not make the same stupid mistakes over and over. Wasn’t WWI supposed to be the war to...

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I’m a horrible dad.

Ok.. I know. I havent posted anything since June so its going on 2 months. But i’ve been so swamped at work and had literally no time for much else other than family, work and band. So Lots has happened since i last posted as I’m sure you can imagine....

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Lala’s Got Talent!

Lately Lala has been learning alot of new stuff, and it’s not just cutely annoying stuff like trying to grab my glasses off my face at every chance. My wife and Lala’s aunt have been teaching her baby signing and now Lala knows how to sign to us when she...

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