
Balance, grasshopper

Balance, grasshopper

When I was taking Kung Fu, one thing my master always insisted upon was not just physical balance but mental/spiritual balance. When I had first started studying Kung Fu I was really excited about it and wanted to quit my other activities to focus solely on it. I was even...

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Hot summer nights

Hot summer nights

So it looks like the bay area went straight from winter to summer. Spring lasted all of a day maybe? Anyways this weekend was great, my band Zed played a show in Santa Clara and while we had a few technical difficulties in the form of a string and bass drum head...

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And so it goes, and so it goes.

I know. It’s been months now since I last posted. It’s hard to keep up with this these days what with my demanding job, making sure i have enough family time and my band. Time just disappears. So I’ll just try to squish a few months worth of life with...

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Lala’s first trip to the ER

I guess it had to happen eventually. We were at Target last night doing some shopping and Lala kept trying to stand up in the shopping cart, so I usually try to dissuade her from doing it by stopping the cart altogether or letting her walk beside me, but somehow...

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Let the good times roll

It’s been awhile since I posted last. We’ve been so busy with life in general that I have not had much time to do anything but work and spend family time. Lala has been growing like an Ox. She went and got her checkup at 13 months and the doctor...

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The Myth of the Terrible Two’s

So there is a conspiracy that spans the history of humanity and is as far reaching as every household in the world, and every parent every has had a hand in keeping the deep, dark secret from us new parents. I am now an initiate into this obscure secret society that...

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A life less ordinary

A life less ordinary

Dear Jesus,I was reading an interview today with Jim Cameron the movie director, who is coming out with his newest blockbuster next week. In the interview he said something that echoes what I believe deep down inside, and what I sometimes try to make myself forget. He was talking about...

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And now she is one.

Lala has reached a major milestone. As of yesterday, Thanksgiving, she is a one year old. It’s been an amazing year to say the least. The most impacting year of my life I’d say. It’s been probably the hardest, most tiresome year but also the most rewarding as well. My...

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Sometimes we choose to die

Sometimes we choose to die

Dear Jesus,A good friend of mine called me up this past Saturday morning to inform me that his sister had died. She hung herself in her house and her boyfriend of 10 years had come home and found her. I was shocked by the news but strangely not too surprised....

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signs, signs, everywhere are signs.

Lala is getting pretty good with this whole sign language business. She knows the signs for milk, more, banana, cheese, drink, sleep and maybe a few others. She’s pretty smart for a little munchkin. However it’s also a double edged sword. She has begun testing us with boundaries too. She...

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